Adam Baum
Adam Zapel
Al Bino
Al Dente
Al Fresco
Al K. Seltzer
Al Timider
Alf A. Romeo
Ali Katt
Amanda Lynn (a mandolin)
Amber Green
Andy Friese (as in antifreeze, a real race car driver)
Anita Bath, Anita Goodman, Anita Knapp
Anita Little, Anita Mann, Anita Plummer, Anita Shower
Anna Prentice (an apprentice)
Anna Recksiek (anorexic)
Anna Sasin
Anne Teak
Annie Howe, Annie Matter
April May
April Schauer (allegedly a real person)
Aretha Holly
Armand Hammer
Art Major, Art Painter, Art Sellers
B.A. Ware
Barb Dwyer
Barb E. Dahl
Barry Cade
Bea Minor and Dee Major
Beau Archer, Beau Tye
Ben Dover, Ben Down, Eileen Dover, Skip Dover
Bess Eaton (donut shop chain)
Biff Wellington
Bill Board
Bill Ding
Bill Foldes
Bill Loney
Billy Rubin
Bob Apple
Bob Katz, Tom Katz, Kitty Katz
Bob Sledd
Bonnie Ann Clyde
Brandon Cattell
Brandy D. Cantor
Braxton Hicks
Brighton Early
Brock Lee
Bud Light
Bud Wieser (real college math teacher)
Cam Payne
Candace Spencer (can dispenser)
Candy Barr, Candy Baskett, Candy Kane, Candy Sweet
Candy Sweet
Carrie Dababi ("carry the baby" - Dababi is an Egyptian name)
Carrie Oakey
Cheri Pitts, Harry Pitts
Chester Drawers
Chris Coe
Chris Cross
Chris P. Bacon
Chuck Waggon
Claire Annette
Cole Durkee
Constance Noring
Count Dunn, Count Orff
Crystal Ball
Crystal Claire Waters
Crystal Glass, Crystal Snow
Dan D. Lyons
Dan Druff
Dan Saul Knight
Darren Deeds
Dee Kay, DDS
Dee Liver
Dick Tator
Dinah Soares
Don Key
Doris Schutt (Doris Open...)
Doug & Phil Updegrave (yes, this is a legitimate last name)
Doug Graves
Doug Hole
Doug Witherspoon (dug with a spoon)
Douglas Furr
Dr. Steven Sumey (Dr. sue me, real person in Fairmont, MN)
Duane Pipe, Duane Gutter
Dusty Carr
Dusty Rhodes
Dusty Sandmann (real person, submitted by his dad Roger Sandmann)
Earl E. Bird
Earl Lee Riser
Easton West (and of course Weston East)
Eaton Wright and Liv Good
Edna May (or may not)
Ella Vader
Estelle Hertz (it still hurts)
Faith Christian
Ferris Wheeler
Ford Parker
Forrest Green
Gail Storm (Wendy Storm, Dusty Storm and Rory Storm)
Gaye Jolly
Gene Poole
Ginger Rayl, Ginger Vitus
Harry Armand Bach, Harry Beard
Harry Caray (famous sports announcer)
Harry Legg, Harry Lipp
Harry R. M. Pitts
Hazle Nutt
Heidi Clare
Helen Back
Herb Rice
Helen Highwater
Holly Day, Holly Wood
Holly McRell
Hu Min, Hugh Mann
Hugh Morris (a "humorous" name, thanks to Shaun Oriold)
Hy Ball
Hy Lowe, Bea Lowe
Hy Marx (scholar)
I. Lasch (eye lash)
I.D. Clair
I.M. Boring
I.P. Freely, I.P. Daly
Ileane Wright, Ilene South (West, East...), Ilene Dover
Ima Hogg (a real person, daughter of a Texas governor)
Ima Klotz and her sister Sasha Klotz
Iona Ford, Iona Boat
Iona Frisbee (alledgedly a real person)
Iona Stonehouse (also alledgedly a real person)
Ivan Oder
Ivy Leage
Jack Hammer
Jack Tupp (the perfect name for a car mechanic)
Jay Walker
Jean Poole
Jed Dye (Jedi), Jed I. Knight
Jerry Rigg
Jim Laucher (gym locker)
Jim Shorts, Jim Shu, Jim Sox
Jo King
Joe Kerr (joker)
Jordan Rivers
Joy Kil
Joy Rider
June Bugg
Justin Case, Justin Casey Howells, Justin Hale, Justin Inch, Justin Miles North (just ten miles north), Justin Time
Kandi Apple
Kenya Dewit
Kerry Oki
Kyle Ender (calendar)
Lance Boyle, Lance Butts
Laura Lynne Hardy
Laura Norder (law and order)
Leigh King (leaking)
Les Moore
Levon Coates
Lewis N. Clark (real person, he told me he drives an Explorer)
Lina Ginster (allegedly real)
Lisa Carr
Lois Price (bargain shopper) and her husband Hy Price
Lou Pole
Lou Zar (loser)
Luke Warm
Lynn C. Doyle
Lynn O. Liam
M. Balmer
M.T. Toombe
Manny Kinn
Mark A. Roni
Marlon Fisher
Marsha Dimes (march of dimes)
Marsha Mellow
Marshall Law
Marty Graw
Marv Ellis
Mary Christmas
Matt Tress
Maude L.T. Ford
Max Little
Max Power
May Day
May Flower
May Furst
Mel Loewe
Melba Crisp (real person who emailed me)
Melody Music
Mick Stupp
Mike Easter
Mike Raffone
Mike Stand (a real person)
Minny van Gogh
Misty C. Shore (a real person), Rocky Shore, Sandy C. Shore (another real person)
Misty Waters (a real person)
Mo Lestor
Molly Kuehl
Mona Lott
Muddy Waters (famous blues singer, real name McKinley Morganfield)
Myles Long, Myles Away
Myra Mains
Neil Down, Neil Crouch
Nick O. Time
Noah Riddle, Noah Lott
Norma Leigh Lucid
Olive Yew
Oliver Sutton (all of a sudden)
Ophelia Payne
Oren Jellow
Orson Carte
Otto Graf
Owen Moore
P. Brain
Paige Turner
Park A. Studebaker
Pat Downe (a real person)
Pat McCann
Patty Full (pitiful)
Pearl Button
Pearl E. Gates, Pearl E. White
Peg Legge
Penny Dollar (real person)
Penny Lane
Penny Nichols
Penny Wise
Pepe Roni
Pete Moss and his son Forest
Phil Graves (cemetery employee, works with his brother Doug Graves)
Phil Rupp
Phill Inn
Pierce Deere
Pierce Hart
Polly Ester
Post, Mark
Price Wright (another real person)
Priti Manek ("pretty manic", real doctor in Houston, TX)
R. M. Pitt
Ray Gunn
Ray Zenz (raisins)
Raynor Schein
Reid Enright
Rhoda Booke, Rita Booke
Rick O'Shea
Rip Torn
Robin Andis Merryman
Robin Banks, Rob Banks, Robin Feathers, Robin Money, U. O. Money
Rock Pounder, Rock Bottoms
Rocky Beach, Sandy Beach
Rocky Mountain, Cliff Mountain
Rocky Rhoades
Rod N. Reel
Roman Holiday
Rose Bush, Rose Gardner
Royal Payne
Russell Leeves
Rusty Blades, Rusty Bridges, Rusty Carr, Rusty Dorr, Rusty Fender, Rusty Irons, Rusty Key, Rusty Nail, Rusty Pipes, Rusty Steele, Rusty Bumper
Sal Minella, Sam Manilla
Sally Forth
Sandy Banks, Sandy Beech, Sandy Brown, Sandy Spring
Seth Poole (poor guy has a lisp)
Seymour Butz
Shanda Lear (daughter of Bill Lear, inventor of the Lear jet)
Sharon Needles, Sharon Weed, Sharon A. Burger
Sheila Blige
Shu Shine
Skip Roper, Skip Stone
Sno White (real person)
Sonny Day
Stan Still, Stan Dupp
Stanley Cupp
Sue Flay
Sue Yu, Sue Jeu
Summer Camp (allegedly a real person)
Summer Day
Summer Greene
Sy Burnette
Tad Moore
Tad Pohl
Tanya Hyde
Terry Achey (real name)
Terry Bull (allegedly real name, and his brother Eddie Bull)
Tim Burr
Tom A. Toe
Tom Katt
Tom Morrow
Tommy Gunn
Tommy Hawk
Trickle, Dick
Trina Woods, Trina Forest (tree in the woods, tree in a forest)
Ty Coon, Ty Knotts
Virginia Beach
Walter Melon
Wanda Rinn
Wanna Hickey
Warren Peace, Warren Peece
Warren T.
Will Power
Willie Makeit (and Betty Dont)
Winsom Cash, Owen Cash
Woody Forrest
X. Benedict
Family Tree of Vincent Van Gogh:
Verti Gogh: His dizzy aunt
Gott Gogh: The brother who ate prunes
Stop N Gogh: The brother who worked at a convenience store
U Gogh: The grandfather from Yugoslavia
Where-diddy Gogh: His magician uncle
A Mee Gogh: His Mexican cousin
Gring Gogh: The Mexican cousin's American half-brother
Wells-far Gogh: The nephew who drove a stage coach
Can't Gogh: The constpiated uncle
Tang Gogh: The ballroom dancing aunt
Flamin Gogh: The bird lover uncle
Way-to Gogh: An aunt who taught positive thinking
Poe Gogh: The little bouncy nephew
Go Gogh: A sister who loved disco
Lum Bay Gogh: The brother with low pack pain
Winnie Bay Gogh: His niece who travels the country in an RV
I saw you smiling... there ya' Gogh!
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