Friday, October 31, 2008

Humorous Names

What's in a Name? | Psychology Today
As a software tester, I like to use seemingly realistic names that make me chuckle. I have collected several hundred names, and thought it might be fun to post them here... Enjoy!

Adam Baum
Adam Zapel
Al Bino
Al Dente
Al Fresco
Al K. Seltzer
Al Timider
Alf A. Romeo
Ali Katt
Amanda Lynn (a mandolin)
Amber Green
Andy Friese (as in antifreeze, a real race car driver)
Anita Bath, Anita Goodman, Anita Knapp
Anita Little, Anita Mann, Anita Plummer, Anita Shower
Anna Prentice (an apprentice)
Anna Recksiek (anorexic)
Anna Sasin
Anne Teak
Annie Howe, Annie Matter
April May
April Schauer (allegedly a real person)
Aretha Holly
Armand Hammer
Art Major, Art Painter, Art Sellers
B.A. Ware
Barb Dwyer
Barb E. Dahl
Barry Cade
Bea Minor and Dee Major
Beau Archer, Beau Tye
Ben Dover, Ben Down, Eileen Dover, Skip Dover
Bess Eaton (donut shop chain)
Biff Wellington
Bill Board
Bill Ding
Bill Foldes
Bill Loney
Billy Rubin
Bob Apple
Bob Katz, Tom Katz, Kitty Katz
Bob Sledd
Bonnie Ann Clyde
Brandon Cattell
Brandy D. Cantor
Braxton Hicks
Brighton Early
Brock Lee
Bud Light
Bud Wieser (real college math teacher)
Cam Payne
Candace Spencer (can dispenser)
Candy Barr, Candy Baskett, Candy Kane, Candy Sweet
Candy Sweet
Carrie Dababi ("carry the baby" - Dababi is an Egyptian name)
Carrie Oakey
Cheri Pitts, Harry Pitts
Chester Drawers
Chris Coe
Chris Cross
Chris P. Bacon
Chuck Waggon
Claire Annette
Cole Durkee
Constance Noring
Count Dunn, Count Orff
Crystal Ball
Crystal Claire Waters
Crystal Glass, Crystal Snow
Dan D. Lyons
Dan Druff
Dan Saul Knight
Darren Deeds
Dee Kay, DDS
Dee Liver
Dick Tator
Dinah Soares
Don Key
Doris Schutt (Doris Open...)
Doug & Phil Updegrave (yes, this is a legitimate last name)
Doug Graves
Doug Hole
Doug Witherspoon (dug with a spoon)
Douglas Furr
Dr. Steven Sumey (Dr. sue me, real person in Fairmont, MN)
Duane Pipe, Duane Gutter
Dusty Carr
Dusty Rhodes
Dusty Sandmann (real person, submitted by his dad Roger Sandmann)
Earl E. Bird
Earl Lee Riser
Easton West (and of course Weston East)
Eaton Wright and Liv Good
Edna May (or may not)
Ella Vader
Estelle Hertz (it still hurts)
Faith Christian
Ferris Wheeler
Ford Parker
Forrest Green
Gail Storm (Wendy Storm, Dusty Storm and Rory Storm)
Gaye Jolly
Gene Poole
Ginger Rayl, Ginger Vitus
Harry Armand Bach, Harry Beard
Harry Caray (famous sports announcer)
Harry Legg, Harry Lipp
Harry R. M. Pitts
Hazle Nutt
Heidi Clare
Helen Back
Herb Rice
Helen Highwater
Holly Day, Holly Wood
Holly McRell
Hu Min, Hugh Mann
Hugh Morris (a "humorous" name, thanks to Shaun Oriold)
Hy Ball
Hy Lowe, Bea Lowe
Hy Marx (scholar)
I. Lasch (eye lash)
I.D. Clair
I.M. Boring
I.P. Freely, I.P. Daly
Ileane Wright, Ilene South (West, East...), Ilene Dover
Ima Hogg (a real person, daughter of a Texas governor)
Ima Klotz and her sister Sasha Klotz
Iona Ford, Iona Boat
Iona Frisbee (alledgedly a real person)
Iona Stonehouse (also alledgedly a real person)
Ivan Oder
Ivy Leage
Jack Hammer
Jack Tupp (the perfect name for a car mechanic)
Jay Walker
Jean Poole
Jed Dye (Jedi), Jed I. Knight
Jerry Rigg
Jim Laucher (gym locker)
Jim Shorts, Jim Shu, Jim Sox
Jo King
Joe Kerr (joker)
Jordan Rivers
Joy Kil
Joy Rider
June Bugg
Justin Case, Justin Casey Howells, Justin Hale, Justin Inch, Justin Miles North (just ten miles north), Justin Time
Kandi Apple
Kenya Dewit
Kerry Oki
Kyle Ender (calendar)
Lance Boyle, Lance Butts
Laura Lynne Hardy
Laura Norder (law and order)
Leigh King (leaking)
Les Moore
Levon Coates
Lewis N. Clark (real person, he told me he drives an Explorer)
Lina Ginster (allegedly real)
Lisa Carr
Lois Price (bargain shopper) and her husband Hy Price
Lou Pole
Lou Zar (loser)
Luke Warm
Lynn C. Doyle
Lynn O. Liam
M. Balmer
M.T. Toombe
Manny Kinn
Mark A. Roni
Marlon Fisher
Marsha Dimes (march of dimes)
Marsha Mellow
Marshall Law
Marty Graw
Marv Ellis
Mary Christmas
Matt Tress
Maude L.T. Ford
Max Little
Max Power
May Day
May Flower
May Furst
Mel Loewe
Melba Crisp (real person who emailed me)
Melody Music
Mick Stupp
Mike Easter
Mike Raffone
Mike Stand (a real person)
Minny van Gogh
Misty C. Shore (a real person), Rocky Shore, Sandy C. Shore (another real person)
Misty Waters (a real person)
Mo Lestor
Molly Kuehl
Mona Lott
Muddy Waters (famous blues singer, real name McKinley Morganfield)
Myles Long, Myles Away
Myra Mains
Neil Down, Neil Crouch
Nick O. Time
Noah Riddle, Noah Lott
Norma Leigh Lucid
Olive Yew
Oliver Sutton (all of a sudden)
Ophelia Payne
Oren Jellow
Orson Carte
Otto Graf
Owen Moore
P. Brain
Paige Turner
Park A. Studebaker
Pat Downe (a real person)
Pat McCann
Patty Full (pitiful)
Pearl Button
Pearl E. Gates, Pearl E. White
Peg Legge
Penny Dollar (real person)
Penny Lane
Penny Nichols
Penny Wise
Pepe Roni
Pete Moss and his son Forest
Phil Graves (cemetery employee, works with his brother Doug Graves)
Phil Rupp
Phill Inn
Pierce Deere
Pierce Hart
Polly Ester
Post, Mark
Price Wright (another real person)
Priti Manek ("pretty manic", real doctor in Houston, TX)
R. M. Pitt
Ray Gunn
Ray Zenz (raisins)
Raynor Schein
Reid Enright
Rhoda Booke, Rita Booke
Rick O'Shea
Rip Torn
Robin Andis Merryman
Robin Banks, Rob Banks, Robin Feathers, Robin Money, U. O. Money
Rock Pounder, Rock Bottoms
Rocky Beach, Sandy Beach
Rocky Mountain, Cliff Mountain
Rocky Rhoades
Rod N. Reel
Roman Holiday
Rose Bush, Rose Gardner
Royal Payne
Russell Leeves
Rusty Blades, Rusty Bridges, Rusty Carr, Rusty Dorr, Rusty Fender, Rusty Irons, Rusty Key, Rusty Nail, Rusty Pipes, Rusty Steele, Rusty Bumper
Sal Minella, Sam Manilla
Sally Forth
Sandy Banks, Sandy Beech, Sandy Brown, Sandy Spring
Seth Poole (poor guy has a lisp)
Seymour Butz
Shanda Lear (daughter of Bill Lear, inventor of the Lear jet)
Sharon Needles, Sharon Weed, Sharon A. Burger
Sheila Blige
Shu Shine
Skip Roper, Skip Stone
Sno White (real person)
Sonny Day
Stan Still, Stan Dupp
Stanley Cupp
Sue Flay
Sue Yu, Sue Jeu
Summer Camp (allegedly a real person)
Summer Day
Summer Greene
Sy Burnette
Tad Moore
Tad Pohl
Tanya Hyde
Terry Achey (real name)
Terry Bull (allegedly real name, and his brother Eddie Bull)
Tim Burr
Tom A. Toe
Tom Katt
Tom Morrow
Tommy Gunn
Tommy Hawk
Trickle, Dick
Trina Woods, Trina Forest (tree in the woods, tree in a forest)
Ty Coon, Ty Knotts
Virginia Beach
Walter Melon
Wanda Rinn
Wanna Hickey
Warren Peace, Warren Peece
Warren T.
Will Power
Willie Makeit (and Betty Dont)
Winsom Cash, Owen Cash
Woody Forrest
X. Benedict

Family Tree of Vincent Van Gogh:
Verti Gogh: His dizzy aunt
Gott Gogh: The brother who ate prunes
Stop N Gogh: The brother who worked at a convenience store
U Gogh: The grandfather from Yugoslavia
Where-diddy Gogh: His magician uncle
A Mee Gogh: His Mexican cousin
Gring Gogh: The Mexican cousin's American half-brother
Wells-far Gogh: The nephew who drove a stage coach
Can't Gogh: The constpiated uncle
Tang Gogh: The ballroom dancing aunt
Flamin Gogh: The bird lover uncle
Way-to Gogh: An aunt who taught positive thinking
Poe Gogh: The little bouncy nephew
Go Gogh: A sister who loved disco
Lum Bay Gogh: The brother with low pack pain
Winnie Bay Gogh: His niece who travels the country in an RV

I saw you smiling... there ya' Gogh!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

If I Was Any Better...

HARMON GOODMAN Obituary - Amarillo, TXphoto of HARMON GOODMAN on May 9, 2012photo of HARMON GOODMAN on May 9, 2012photo of HARMON GOODMAN on May 9, 2012photo of HARMON GOODMAN on May 9, 2012photo of HARMON GOODMAN on May 9, 2012
OK - Several years ago I knew this old fella' named Harmon Goodman in Canyon, Texas. He was probably 60 years my senior at the time, and he was always smiling and giving people a hard time. He always made people smile. I sure loved that old guy. When someone would ask him how he was, he would always say, "If I was any better, I'd be twins." That phrase has become my favorite response to the rhetorical question our culture seems to use as a greeting more than an actual question of how someone is doing. Well, being from Texas (recall the superbowl commercial - - for beer where the dude from Austin is at a bar in New York, and the guy sitting next to him makes the mistake of saying, 'How You Doin?'... and the Austin dude starts to answer him and tell him that he just flew in to visit his brother, and on and on...) I like to tell people just how good I'm doing. So - I now answer with Harmon's phrase, but there are some people at my church that expect something fresh now and again, so I did some research in the internerdwebs and found the list of responses below. I now occasionally mix it up and reply with one of these, but my all-time favorite is still Harmon's, "If I was any better, I'd be twins..." because it makes me think of him.

If I was any better…
…vitamins would be taking ME
…it would be illegal
…it would be a crime
…I’d have to pay an amusement tax
…I’d be dangerous to be around
…I couldn’t stand it
…I couldn’t stand myself
…I’d be subject to arrest
…I’d be a parade
…I’d be famous
…I would be YOU
…I would be Chuck Norris
…I would explode
…I’d be in heaven
…It would be scary
…I’d have to take something for it
…I’d have to slap myself
…I’d have to charge admission
…I’d have my own page on Wikipedia
…I’d have my own flag
…you’d have to tie me down
…I would scream
…sparks would shoot out of my nipples

As a memorial to good 'ol Harmon, I found his obituary from Monday, May 7, 2012. He was 86...

Harmon was born Sept. 27, 1925, in Groesbeck to the Rev. W.T. and Nettie Goodman. Harmon was a store manager for Rexall drug stores for several years, before going to work for Kmart. After his retirement, he worked as the door greeter for Walmart in Canyon. He was a member of Hillcrest Baptist Church, Clarendon Masonic Lodge and the Bonita Chapter of Eastern Star. Harmon loved to go trout fishing every summer in Red River, N.M.

Survivors include two sons, David Goodman and wife Cindy of Canyon and William Harmon Goodman; a sister, Dorothy Smith of Phoenix; four grandchildren, Michael Goodman and wife Erica of Honolulu, Valorie Johnson and husband Andrew of Germany, Aimee Goodman of Amarillo and Brandon Goodman and wife Celina of Los Angeles; and 13 great-grandchildren.

Seriously, Now...

How the World Mourned Abraham Lincoln - The Atlantic
You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves. So who do you think said the above? It was Abraham Lincoln (I'm related to him).

Rules for Writing Wicked Good Papers

1. Shun and avoid the employment of unnecessary, excess extra words.
2. Make certain all sentences are full and complete. If possible.
3. Avoid cliches like the plague.
4. Take pain's to spell and, punctuate correctly.
5. BE Consistent.
6. Don't approximate. Always be more or less precise.
7. Sedulously eschew obfuscatory hyperverbosity or prolixity.
8. Avoid pointless repetition, and don't repeat yourself unnecessarily.
9. Always try to remembr t he/E extreme importance of being accurit; ne at, and carfful.
10. Don't use no double negatives.
11. Don't never use no triple negatives.
12. All generalizations are bad.
13. Take care that your verb and subject is in agreement.
14. A preposition is a bad thing to end a sentence with.
15. Don't use commas, which aren't necessary.
16. "Avoid overuse of 'quotation' marks."
17. Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided.
18. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.
19. Reserve the apostrophe for it's proper use and omit it when its not necessary.
20. Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read.
21. Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
22. Never use that totally cool, radically groovy out-of-date slang.
23. Avoid those long sentences that just go on, and on, they never stop, they just keep rambling, and you really wish the person would just shut up, but no, they just keep on going, they're worse than the Energizer Bunny, they babble incessantly, and these sentences, they just never stop.

My Collection of Mixed Metaphors

The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment: Mixed Metaphors
Alright, here is the long-awaited comprehensive list of mixed metaphors that I have either found online, seen on T.V., or heard first-hand in meetings. These drive me crazy, and I decided to start documenting them and now it's just a silly hobby. Maybe some of these will make you chuckle...

...and, for the cherry on top
...flying off to greener pastures
...her last day as an eagle
...when we cross that path
...whilst I polish these puppies up . . .
[as if] it would somehow bring the public school system crumbling to its knees.
99 times out of ten, that's what you'll get.
A heart as big as gold
A leopard can't change his stripes. - Al Gore
A loose tongue spoils the broth.
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush.
A stitch in time is worth a pound of cure.
Adam wasn't always the brightest tool.
An automatic process failed. I'm going to have to kick it off by hand.
As proud as pea soup
Beyond the question of a doubt - Steve Meyer
Biting the hand that rocks the cradle
Brilliant sunshine rained down on Fort Collins. - Rush Limbaugh
But one has to tidy up the loose ends. - Agatha Christie
Button your seat belts. - Rush Limbaugh
Can't you read the handwriting in the wind?
Change is now baked into the fabric of EDS.
changes that will ignite our engines of growth
Danny can squeeze money out of a turnip.
David's come out of this one looking like a rose. - Steve Meyer
Dirty laundry is coming home to roost. - Ray Romano
Do you follow where I'm coming from?
Does that play into the equation?
Don't burn your bridges till you come to them.
Don't eat with your mouth full!
Don't let the grass grow under a rolling stone.
Don't take any wooden Indians.
Drill that message home.
Drop down gorgeous
Even in a sewer, the cream rises to the top.
Everything got real dark, like snow.
Everywhere you turn around
Fewer and fewer in between
Fiddling with his guitar - Jimmy Webb, refering to Glen Campbell
Fly behind the scenes (heard in a meeting)
Fodder for the mill
Frankly, we don't know whether to wind the watch or to bark at the moon. - Dan Rather
From now on, I’m watching everything you do with a fine-tuned comb.
From the bottom on down
Get in the boat or swim or get out.
Get more teeth behind this (heard in a presentation)
Get the kinks rolling
Go ahead. Spew it off your chest.
Great sound & production that's crisp like a crunchy apple.
Have a nice day job.
Haven't we beat that with a dead stick?
He came out of it smelling like a bandit.
He can cry on a dime.
He clams up tighter than a drum. - Alex, in "Walker, Texas Ranger"
He kind of liked Alison, but Heather didn't really flip his whistle.
He reads like a fish.
He received a decease and desist order.
He took to it like a fish out of water.
He wanted to get out from under his father's coat strings.
He was watching me like I was a hawk.
He’s a little green behind the ears.
He’s a wolf in cheap clothing.
He’s burning the midnight oil from both ends.
He’s like a duck out of water.
He’s not the one with his ass in a noose.
Here we are in the Holy Land of Israel -- a mecca for tourists.
He's been burning the midnight oil at both ends.
He's cooking his goose deeper and deeper.
He's not the sharpest marble in the drawer.
He's one brick short of the whole nine yards.
He's really low dog on the totem pole.
He's the meanest man on the face of the universe.
Hold the Farm!
How would I feel if I were sitting in your shoes?
I can read him like an open can of worms. - unnamed baseball player
I can read him like the back of my book.
I could see you itching at the bit.
I didn't have two minutes to rub together.
I don’t think they want to bite off that bullet.
I don't want that monkey around my neck.
I dozed in and off.
I feel like a bridegroom waiting at the altar for a blind date.
I feel the comparison paints Chicago in a bad light.
I guess I threw a cog in the wrench.
I guess the foot's on the other hand now!
I have a lot of black sheep in my closet.
I have been torn betwixt and between the devil and the deep blue sea.
I hope he gets his curve ball straightened out.
I knew enough to realize that the alligators were in the swamp and that it was time to circle the wagons. - Rush Limbaugh
I left the door wide open, and you didn't take the bait.
I shot the wind out of his saddle.
I should move to the other side of the building, so I can see the sunset come up every morning.
I thought it might be a good idea for you to check base with him.
I want to be sure we don't build ourselves a bag of worms.
I wanted to come out of the chute on the right foot.
I will miss seeing him around the shoehorn.
I wish they'd hurry up and get their act in gear.
I wouldn’t be caught dead there with a ten-foot pole.
I wouldn’t eat that with a ten-foot pole.
I’ll get it by hook or ladder.
I’m gonna dig in my feet on this one.
I'd walk a mile in a camel's shoes to pass through the eye of a needle.
If he doesn't carry Florida, Slim will have left town. - Dan Rather
If the child was shoplifting, that's one thing, but if her parents were teaching her to steal, that's a whole new ballpark. - Debra Bentley
If they do that, they might as well take the open door policy and throw it right out the window!
If you don't wear your seat belt, you're just a missile waiting to happen.
If you let that sort of thing go on, your bread and butter will be cut right out from under your feet. - British foreign minister Ernet Bevin
Ignorance is golden.
I'll bet she has her clothes made by Orville, the tent maker.
I'm bone empty.
I'm getting up on my feedbox here.
I'm going to go ahead and mow and get it out of the over with.
I'm no Monday morning shortstop.
I'm not trying to poke holes at anybody.
I'm so busy, I don't know whether I'm coming or not.
I'm sweating like a bullet.
I'm sweating like a stuck pig.
I'm tired of being a pawn in your lousy game of checkers!
In about six months I'll be knocking on your shoulder.
Is that going to throw a wrinkle?
Is this a whole nother bucket of worms?
Isn't it nice to not have to look over our backs anymore?
It ain't a pretty sight for the ears.
It dawned across my head.
It isn't rocket surgery!
It kind of defeats the whole point.
It looks like the cows have come home to roost.
It sent goosebumps up my spine.
It sounds good on paper.
It sticks out like a sore throat.
It was time to get my act in gear.
It will be music to your wallet.
It will have a special time on our plate.
It’s all moth-eared.
It’s as easy as falling off a piece of cake.
It’s like looking for a needle in a hayride.
It’s like pulling the teeth from a hen.
It’s time to grab the bull by the tail and look him in the eye.
It’s time to step up to the plate and lay your cards on the table.
It'll be a cold day in January when that happens!
It's a big nut to swallow.
It's a Hallmark moment!
It's as American as killing two birds with one apple pie.
It's as plain as the egg on your face.
It's gonna snowball through the whole fireworks.
It's hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice. - Norah O'Donnell on The Chris Matthews Show
It's like a wizard in sheep's clothing.
It's like ice cold electricity passing through your body.
It's like locking the barn door after the nuts have bolted.
It's like pulling hen's teeth.
It's so far removed, it goes right over our heads.
I've been up and down so many times that I feel as if I'm in a revolving door. - Cher
I've got an ace up my nose.
Just then, the fickle finger of fate reared its ugly head.
Just to throw some evidence on the fire...
Keep your nose up!
Kicking off the hockey season - sportscaster
Kill two birds with one egg
Let's clear up a loose end. - Rush Limbaugh
Let's make sure we're all talking off the same sheet of music.
Let's not put all of our cookies in a basket.
Life is beautiful, then you die.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice for all - Johnny Cochran
Listen! You smell something?
Living from hand to mouth like the birds of the air
Long road to hoe
Loose lips sink like a rock.
Make like a tree and head out.
Moss never grows on a fish out of water.
My mind is an open slate.
Necessity is the mother of strange bedfellows.
No one else can make me feel the colors that you bring.
No use beating him over the head with a dead horse.
Not locked in stone (really?)
Not without a grain of sugar
Nothing out of the unusual
Now I'm going to tell you something that'll really throw a kink in the wrench.
Now that the ball is in our court, let's go for the touchdown.
Nuke The Unborn Gay Whales - bumper sticker
Oh yeah, it’s like watching wallpaper dry.
One hundred degrees better
Our methodology isn't cast in stone.
Our organization really frowns down on that.
People are dying like hotcakes.
Players' names should be entered in numeric order.
Put that in your hat and smoke it.
Raining like a sieve
Right between the nose
Right there on the tip of my brain
Safe framework (why?)
She flew off the deep end.
She has bigger dogs to fry.
She may want to tackle that battle.
She’s suffering from a detached rectum.
She's not the toughest cookie on the block.
Silence is bliss.
Smoking like a sieve
Someone's going to hang from the yardstick for this.
Sometimes they bite the farm.
Spare the rod; spoil the broth.
Start at the 40,000-foot level, then drill down. - various IT managers
Step up to the plate and pick up the gauntlet
Stirred the sea into a bowl of boiling cauldron
Surfing the Infobahn [information superhighway]
Tackle that hurdle
Take a flying hike.
Take the ball by the horns and run with it.
Take time to stop and smell the tunnel at the end of the rainbow.
That doesn't mean it's written in gold.
That fish won’t hunt.
That put a monkey in the wrench.
That really hacks me to a crisp.
That was a dialog we started down.
That will open up a whole new can of issues.
That will round out the triangle.
That's grabbing the bull by the horns of a dilemma.
That's the one that really swayed me over.
That's using your head for something besides a footstool.
The ball stops in Dayton.
The beer flowed like wine.
The bottom line boils down to . . .
The deputy was willing to cut him a break.
The early bird gathers no moss.
The fan is gonna hit the roof.
The folks in St. Louis burnt the midnight candle to resolve the issues.
The future of the church depends on passing the torch to the next generation. Tonight's speaker is one who has taken hold of the baton.
The House Of Seven Ushers
The intention is to get a jumpstart on it.
The Maxeys' house deal fell through, so they're back to Ground Zero.
The rain is coming down like gangbusters!
The rain was coming down in droves!
The ship of state has a difficult road ahead.
The squeaky wheel wins.
There are things that will really sink home with you.
There wasn't a dry tear in the place.
There’s no grass burning under THIS project.
There's a silver lining in all that red ink. - NBC5 news anchor Mike Snyder
These hemorrhoids are a real pain in the neck.
These two guys are cut out of the same mold.
They counted the votes until the cows had literally gone to sleep. - Dan Rather
They cut into a water main, and it was gushing like a mountain. - Jeannette Scott
They gave him a raw shake. - John_Galvin
They need to wake up and smell the music. - John_Galvin
They paired off, one by one. - John Scott
They try to balance a fine line. - John_Casey
They’re diabolically opposed.
They'll never buy the cow if they can get the eggs for free.
They're a legend before their time.
Things are different when you have fifteen people on your plate.
This is a race where you can turn a corner, and then there'll be another team right there breathing down your throat. - Wil on "The Amazing Race"
This is just a nightmare waiting to happen.
This isn't set in stone. (confusing setting in concrete with carving in stone)
This snowball is coming down the mountain with a full head of steam.
To get the buy-off of the business partner - a techie wanting buy-in and sign-off simultaneously
To the max degree - Rush Limbaugh
Up a tree without a paddle
We all act as one heartbeat.
We can still hang our heads high. - member of U.S. men's 4x100 Olympic team
We could stand here and talk until the cows turn blue.
We drove a stake in the stand.
We have taken care of all of the silver bullets.
We have to get all our ducks on the same page.
We just keep getting the tail end of the stick.
We need to get a vaccuum cleaner and hose him down.
We need to have photographic ears.
We need to look at it before the other eyes set foot on it.
We need to sit down and walk through some things.
We raised it to new depths.
We should continue to ride the horse that brings in the gravy.
We want to brand the Renascence name to the eyeballs in the chairs.
We’re between a hard and a rock place.
We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
We'll rewind the calendar.
We're cooking on all four cylinders.
We're going to get locked into a corner.
We're still getting our feet wet on getting rolling here.
What a dirty trap!
When you boil it down to its nuts and bolts
When you put your best foot forward, it rubs off on someone.
While we are ingesting the author's valuable insights, we may also be swallowing his blind spots.
Why don't you wear that turtle-hair sweater or that herring-tooth jacket?
Windy as a hornet
Without fear of hesitation
You are wise behind your ears.
You buttered your bread, now sleep in it!
You can dish it out, but you can't take it with you.
You can lead a gift horse to water but you can't look him in the mouth.
You can take that to the bank and smoke it.
You can’t change the spots on an old dog.
You can’t go in there cold turkey with egg on your face.
You could have blown me over with a feather.
You could have knocked me over with a fender.
You could take that guy with a grain a salt.
You have to dance to a different drum.
You hit the nail on the dot.
You must have ears like an eagle. - Sam Gerard in "The Fugitive"
You need more sugar to get your brain circulating.
You were at your wit's nerve.
Your car plays a link in your normal daily routine.
You're fighting upstream.
You're not pointing blame?